Colgate-Palmolive is a $17.2 billion net sales global consumer products company with leadership positions in Oral Care, Personal Care and Household Care, operating in 220 countries worldwide. At Colgate, we are committed to becoming truly the best place to work. Critical to this mission is ensuring we not only provide great job opportunities and exciting career paths, but that we champion a culture which encourages people to work together to drive innovation and creativity. We are currently looking in recruiting 6-9 high potential individuals as interns in our plant in Piraeus, for the following areas :
EOHS ENGINEERING Intern (EOHS_INT/0319-160506)
The appointee, will be involved in :
MAINTENANCE ENGINEERING Intern (Maint_INT/0319-160507)
The appointee, will be involved in :
· Creation of Log Out-Tag Out procedures for plant mechanical and electrical equipment in SWIS (Standard Work Instruction System) format
The appointee, who should be a good user of Autocad, will be involved in some of below areas:
· Perform Equipment Hygienic design assessments (GL3) for various plant networks/systems
PRODUCTION PLANNING Intern (Plan_INT/0319-160509)
The appointee will be involved in:
The appointee will be involved in:
FP&R ENGINEERING Intern (FP&R_INT/0319-160511)
The appointee will be involved in below activities, according to improvement priorities at that period :
Candidates are expected to send their resumes at by Monday April 1rst, 2019.
The actual duration of the Internship will depend on the specific program supported by each University/Department.
We look forward to receiving your application!
Γραφείο Πρακτικής Άσκησης Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών
1ος όροφος, Α Κτίριο (Πρυτανεία), τηλ. 2610997859
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